The Convention is the basic document through which the Network of Nature Reserves is created. It is drawn up, approved and signed by the subjects present in the territory and the Autonomous Province of Trento. The agreement contains the Network's management procedures, bodies and duration.
Convention of the Network of Nature Reserves ITA
Management Plan
The primary document for the Network of Nature Reserves is the approved Management Plan. It contains the required interventions of regional planning and socio-economic valorisation that are divided into intervention categories and into different funding systems.
The document here attached is the second final writing of the Plan and it took effect on January 10th 2019 after the publication of publication of the Approval Resolution to the BUR ITA. The Management plan remains valid for 12 years.
Report ITA (6,4Mb)
Table 1 ITA (3Mb)
Table 2 ITA (4,2Mb)
Table 3 ITA (4,1Mb)
Table 4 ITA (3,1Mb)
Below you can find the documents that lead to the first installation of the Network.
Program Agreement (historic)
The Program Agreement is the founding document of the previous version of the Network.
Program Agreement ITA (489Kb)
Implementation Plan (historic)
The Implementation Plan is the technical-operational document that defines the primary actions that need to be realised on the territory and the initiatives of the Network of Nature Reserves. It is also a preliminary document to the subsequent writing of the Management Plan.
Implementation Plan ITA (2,5Mb)
Integration ITA (115Kb)