Rural Development Programme 2014/2020
Cooperation project with environmental purpose on terraced landscapes and extensive agriculture of the Network of Bondone Nature Reserves
actions recognised in the Implementation Project for the enlargement of the Network of Bondone Nature Reserves - Soprasasso and municipalities of Cimone, Garniga Terme, Vallelaghi and Villa Lagarina;
actions suggested by the Inventory of active conservation and connectivity reconstruction in the Homogeneous Territorial System of Monte Bondone.
Methods used
- description of the naturalistic and landscape context and of the environmental issues that the project faces, with particular reference to species and environments from Natura 2000 and/or IUNC Red List (Prosser 2001, IUNC, etc.);
- specification of the single actions to adopt, complete with technical evaluation, identification of every plant protection product and related conductor. Furthermore the project will collect particles found on the territory that during phase B could substitute the plant protection products previously selected. The latter will guarantee the coherency of the project's objectives and of the criteria selection;
- establishment of R.D.P. 2014-2020 measures to which every action can refer to;
- accurate explanation, through agronomic evaluation, of the actions' expenditure that will be directly financed on the 16.5.1. measure;
- list of the cooperation territorial project's subscribers;
- timing and duration of the project;
- cooperation management modalities;
- description of the expected results;
- description of the divulgation phase.
The "cooperation territorial project with environmental purpose" will be the reference document for the actual realisation of all landscape recovery and habitat conservation actions in order to proceed with phase B of the Operation 16.5.1 that will constitute the next project.
- 42,980% as EAFRD's share equal to 8.596,00 Euro;
- 39,914% as State's share equal to 7.982,80 Euro ;
-17,106% as Autonomous Province of Trento's share equal to 3.421,20 Euro.
Fur further information about the financing opportunities visit the website of the RDP and also the webpage of the European Commission about EAFRD here.