Viote - La Rosta - Viote

An excursion with a 360° view on the Bondone massif, where eagles fly
  • Start point: Viote del Bondone
  • Arrival point: Viote del Bondone

The proposed itinerary starts from Viote and leads to the gentle slopes of La Rosta peak, from which the view sweeps over wide, spectacular landscapes: the summit is a splendid sill overlooking the Adige Valley on one side, and the Lakes Valley on the other and further up to the Brenta massif.

For further information and details go to OUTDOORACTIVE

Safety tips

The information on this page is subject to change, so this means that none of the indications are absolute. It is impossible to completely avoid inaccuracies, taking into consideration the rapid environmental and weather changes that may occur. Therefore, we decline any responsibility for any damage caused to the visitor. However, it is strongly suggested to check the path state, the environmental and weather conditions before going on an excursion. 

The Network of Bondone Nature Reserves is not responsible for the management and maintenance of the trails. Therefore, we decline any responsibility for damages that can occur to people, animals or objects. 

  • Prepare your itinerary
  • Choose a trail suitable for your training
  • Choose adequate equipment
  • Consult weather reports
  • Going alone is riskier 
  • Leave information about your itinerary and the time you expect to get back 
  • Do not hesitate to go with an expert 
  • Mind the indications and signages on the path 
  • Do not hesitate to go back the same way you came
  • In case of an accident call the standard emergency number 112

© Rete di Riserve Bondone

c/o Servizio Sostenibilità e transizione ecologica del Comune di Trento. Via V. Alfieri, 6 - 38122 Trento (TN)

Tel. 0461/884932 - E-mail

StudioBLQ - Web Agency Trento