Lamar lakes and abyss (SAC)
- Municipality: Vallelaghi
- Hectares: 25
- Natura 2000 Network Code: IT3120087
The protected Area is located on the east side of Paganella, where we can find limestone substrate and karst phenomena. It doesn't have any relevant tributaries and emissaries, but only small streams and probably underground springs. It has crystal clear waters that are surrounded by the woods, iridescent rocks and a wide beach on the west side. The fine hydrophytic vegetation can be found in Lake Santo that presents a wide banks vegetation with some rare provincial species. Up on the sides, on the lake banks, there are forest formations like mesophile beech forests with silver firs and yews. The site is particularly relevant because of its nidification, stopover and wintering of protected birds with localised distribution in the Alps. The presence of invertebrates of Annex 2 shows the good quality of running waters: the European freshwater crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) is the most important faunal element of the area.
The Lamar abyss is home to various species of bats. Help us protecting them following these simple rules:
- Don't touch the bats.
- Don't take photos with flash.
- Don't warm them up: either with lights or staying in their area for too long.
- Don't use intense lights in the area where they live.
- Don't generate fumes (with lamps, candles, fires or others) in the abyss and close to it.
- Limit excavations and/or removal of debris.
- Don't make disturbing noises.
- Don't leave waste.
- Don't smoke.
- If you see an animal please contact us!
Visitor conduct guidelines ITA (218Kb)
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