A circular route between caves and historic fortifications, just a stone's throw away from the village of Romagnano
T - Turistico
Barracks - Parolet - Barracks
From Viote to Parolet: tour of Pale del Bondone between history and nature
E - Escursionistico
Circuit of Prada and Lamar Lakes
Walk through the green meadows of Prada, running along the light green-blue Lakes of Lamar and finally going back to the starting point in Monte Terlago
T - Turistico
Vallelaghi - The geological route
An itinerary to discover glacial wells, ruins and ancient terracing, in a territory shaped by human activities and the power of nature
T - Turistico
Trento-Vallelaghi following the steps of Saint Vigilius
A stretch of a compelling path to retrace memories, identities and values of a historical territory
E - Escursionistico
Viote MACRO Tour
A panoramic tour, overlooking the Viote plateau and in front of Palon peak
T - Turistico

The wildcat in Bondone


FEN FEN… to rediscover the ancient art of haymaking


European Charter for Sustainable Tourism


© Rete di Riserve Bondone

c/o Servizio Sostenibilità e transizione ecologica del Comune di Trento. Via V. Alfieri, 6 - 38122 Trento (TN)

Tel. 0461/884932 - E-mail

StudioBLQ - Web Agency Trento