The southern part of Trento: between agricultural green areas and urban forests

An easy walk that allows you to go from the South of Trento up to the "Dosso di San Rocco" passing through the green districts of Madonna Bianca, Villazzano 3 and San Rocco
  • Start point: Parco "Enzo Tortora"
  • Arrival point: Boschetto della Città

The itinerary is in the southern area of Trento and passes through the districts of Madonna Bianca, Villazzano 3 and S. Rocco, crossing different parks and public gardens. 

Starting from Prato Grande', in Viale Verona, go up to the square of Madonna Bianca, important district for its vertical public housing built in the 70s and lots of green areas. If you want you can stop for a while and visit the Church of S. Antonio. Just further ahead, after the underpass of the Valsugana railway, pass by the district of Villazzano 3, similar to the previous one and built in 1978, until you enter the hill towards S. Rocco. If you make a brief detour from the main itinerary you can visit Garbari Garden (public from 2003), connected to the historic Villa Taxis. It is a big park in romantic style, realised around 1895 by Giuseppe Garbari. It was built on the remains of a garden from the 17th century owned by the Roveretti family's counts. Alongside the rich collection of conifers (still visible today), you can find an area with a monumental beech (unfortunately not present anymore) and a water path that runs through small lakes and ponds surrounded by water plants and flows into a small artificial waterfall in the "wild valley". 

The itinerary goes on between vineyards and residential areas on the southern hill, until it reaches the big S. Rocco Park in the homonymous district. 

The destination of the itinerary, Dosso di S. Rocco (469 m) is one of the legendary three forts that guarded the basin of Trento and from which the city took its name. On the top stands an Austro-Hungarian fort with the same name. Around the fort there's the "bosco della città" (literally "city's forest") that was enriched by numerous exotic conifers of particular beauty and botanic interest. 

The human presence of this places dates way back: not far are preserved some important traces of a prehistoric hillfort (locality Casteler). In the 12th century there was Cedra Castle (Castrum Cedre), destroyed in 1208. At the end the I.R. Direction of the Corps of Engineers of Trento expropriated it to build a fortress (Werk San Rocco / San Rocco Fort 1880-1882).

For further information and details go to OUTDOORACTIVE

Safety tips 

The information on this page is subject to change, so this means that none of the indications are absolute. It is impossible to completely avoid inaccuracies, taking into consideration the rapid environmental and weather changes that may occur. Therefore, we decline any responsibility for any damage caused to the visitor. However, it is strongly suggested to check the path state, the environmental and weather conditions before going on an excursion. 

The Network of Bondone Nature Reserves is not responsible for the management and maintenance of the trails. Therefore, we decline any responsibility for damages that can occur to people, animals or objects. 

  • Prepare your itinerary
  • Choose a trail suitable for your training
  • Choose adequate equipment
  • Consult weather reports
  • Going alone is riskier 
  • Leave information about your itinerary and the time you expect to get back 
  • Do not hesitate to go with an expert 
  • Mind the indications and signages on the path 
  • Do not hesitate to go back the same way you came
  • In case of an accident call the standard emergency number 112

© Rete di Riserve Bondone

c/o Servizio Sostenibilità e transizione ecologica del Comune di Trento. Via V. Alfieri, 6 - 38122 Trento (TN)

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